Dues Application/Renewal

      Membership Application/Renewal

Last Name___________________________  First Name_________________________

Company____________________________ Position or Title______________________

Home Address___________________________________________________________

Business Address_________________________________________________________

Business Telephone #______________________ Cell Phone #_____________________

Email: __________________________________Send Mail To:         Home (   )              Business (   )

Membership Classification-Please mark the membership status that you are applying for

Superintendent                      (Class A or B)                                       $75.00 ________
Assistant Superintendent       (Class C)                                              $45.00 ________
Equipment Manager              (EM)                                                    $45.00 ________
Course Employee                  (Spray Tech/Irrigation Tech)               $45.00 ________
Student                                                                                                FREE
Affiliate (Owner or Employee of a Company                                    $75.00 ________
                Serving the Golf Industry)
Voluntary Contribution for Scholarship and Research                                $ ________

                                                                                                           Total  $ ________

Are you a member of GCSAA ____ Card # ________ Classification ____

              Please make checks payable to MGCSA or pay with credit card below

Credit Card (Visa or MC): #___________________________

Exp Date:_________              Vin:_______                           Card Zip Code:_________

Signature of Applicant_____________________________________ Date____________
Mail this invoice with payment to:

Michiana GCSAA
2057 Hidden Valley Drive
Crown Point, IN. 46307